Top > Bicycle touring in America > Pictures 1 > U.S.A. / Arkansas [2]

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U.S.A. / Arkansas [2]

North Little Rock, AR HWY365, Entrance of the town. [2006-10-12]


North Little Rock, Road around Burns Park. [2006-10-12]


North Little Rock, Burns Park, Campground. [2006-10-13]


North Little Rock, AR HWY365, Junction of AR HWY176. [2006-10-13]


North Little Rock, AR HWY365 [2006-10-13]


North Little Rock, AR HWY365, Merge with US HWY70 (turn right) [2006-10-13]


Little Rock, US HWY70, Enter Little Rock after crossing Arkansas River. [2006-10-13]

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Little Rock, US HWY70, In the city. [2006-10-13]


Little Rock, In the city. [2006-10-13]

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Bryant, AR HWY5, Entrance of the town. [2006-10-13]


Benton, Side-way of I-30. Entrance of the town. [2006-10-13]


Benton -- Haskell, AR HWY229 [2006-10-13]


Haskell, US HWY67, Entrance of the village. [2006-10-13]


Haskell, I-30, Sleep at blank space of back of service area near Exit106. [2006-10-13]

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Haskell, Breakfast at restaurant attached to the service area. [2006-10-13]


Haskell -- Malvern, US HWY67 [2006-10-13]


Malvern, US HWY67, Entrance of the town. [2006-10-14]


Donaldson, US HWY67, Entrance of the village. [2006-10-14]


Friendship, US HWY67, Entrance of the village. [2006-10-14]


Arkadelphia, US HWY67, Entrance of the town. [2006-10-14]


Arkadelphia, US HWY67 [2006-10-14]


Arkadelphia, US HWY67, Chinese restaurant not opened. [2006-10-14]


Arkadelphia, Lunch at KFC. [2006-10-14]


Arkadelphia, Downtown with less people. [2006-10-14]


Arkadelphia -- Prescott, US HWY67 [2006-10-14]

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Prescott, US HWY67, Entrance of the town. [2006-10-14]


Prescott, US HWY67, Sleep under roof in unused place (maybe it was car shop). [2006-10-14]


Prescott, Cross point of US HWY371 and railway. [2006-10-14]


Prescott, Biker living in this town. [2006-10-14]


Prescott -- Hope, US HWY67 [2006-10-14]


Top > Bicycle touring in America > Pictures 1 > U.S.A. / Arkansas [2]

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